Saturday 16 May 2015

Folk music and instruments


Folk music in Malta. dates back to the 16th century. Muisc played an important part in everyday life for the Maltese people. Local folk music in Maltese is called Ghana.  Maltese music was influence by the island's position  between Sicily and Africa. .The word ghana combines famous Sicilian ballad mixed with Arabic tunes.

Maltese Instruments

The Maltese built their first instruments from things they used in the house. animal skin and reeds , plant with wooden stalk which grows in the valleys.
Some Maltese instruments are Iz-zaqq (bagpipe), Iz-Zummara (
reed pipe), il-Flejguta (cane flute), It-Tanbur ( Frame drum) , Il-qran (horn),  Ic-Cuqlajta and  Iz-Zafzafa ( friction drum).

                    Il- Qran

This is made from natural materials.  The horn in Malta it is called il-qran or il-qrajna. The horn was made from the cow/bull horns and were used as sound instruments when it is blown through a reed and pipe (hornpipe). The horn was also used during the opening of carnival.
The horn had another use. It was also placed above the doors to protect the people from the evil eye.


Tamborine ( It -Tambur)

                                                               This is a tambourine in Malta it is known tanbur and  in Gozo tambulin. It is made out of wooden frame,  with a membrane tightly stretched on one side of it. On the sides has metal discs and bells attached to it.. It is played by gently hitting by hand on to the tight skin. It is usually played with another instrument such as the Zaqq 


il-Flejguta (cane flute)   


The flute in Maltese it is called the Flejguta . It is made out of reed and is similar to a recorder.  It has a  number of finger holes

Iz-zaqq  (bagpipe)
Iz-zaqq is a bagpipe it is made out of animal skin could be calf or goat.  It has four legs and a tail. Bagpipe is made out of two pipes each is filled with a single reed, the chanter is made out of cane, the animal filled to one end  and applied as a bell and you hear a sound. The horn is with five fingers on the left and also on the right.




This is a friction drum. It is another instrument used in  Malta. In Maltese it is called Iz-Zafzafa or Ir-Rabbaba. It is still used today over carnival time. It is made out of a container, skin and a reed. The container could be made of tin, pottery or wood.  It is played by moving the long reed in an up and down movement.


The acoustic guitar is used for the Maltese folklore music  called Ghana


Mizwad (Bag pipe)

 This is a called Mizwad. It is a bagpipe played in Tunisia. The Bagpipe is made out of skin bag , a joined double chanter and ending with two cow horns. It is played from the reed.

This is similar to the Maltese Zaqq.


                                                                Kudu Horn

    The Kudu horn is an African instrument from Kenya. It is made from the horn of the animal Kudu. These are warriors blowing kudu horn trumpets during a ceremony                            

                                   Kpanlogo Drum from Ghana


It is made from animal skin and a wooden body. Each of the drums have symbolic carvings. They are 26inches high and 10 inches in diameter.

       Tunisian Bendir drum

This is made from wood and a membrane stretched over one side.


A Kora is a  west African string instrument. It is a long necked harp lute. It is made is from cow skin. and wood and has two rows of strings. It sounds like a harp.
The Maltese instruments are very simply made from natural materials. The African instruments are more stylish with carvings and decorations. I found similar instruments such as the horn, bagpipe, the drum and the flute. The African string instruments are very different in all parts of Africa and from the Maltese ones.
Harvard System


Encyclopaepia Britannica. 2015. Kona Musical instrument. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 15].

Malta Bulb. 2009. Maltese Folk Music and Singing: Ghana. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 15].

New World Encyclopedia. 2014. Music of Africa. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 15].

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